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Marketers are struggling to keep up

Posted almost 2 years ago by Lara Lee

With updates to algorithms, continually shifting consumer behaviours, and fresh platforms influencing strategies (hello TikTok), the marketing landscape is shifting at a faster pace than ever.

As a result, the majority of marketers feel they’re struggling to keep up with continuing changes and are not developing their skillset to keep up with trends.

With social media becoming more vital to a companies brand awareness, image and bottom line, should employers be investing more into training their marketing teams?

We’d argue yes!

Much like why training and development should sit at the heart of acquisition plans for attraction and retention, investing in new skillsets can only benefit a company.

New skills in SEO, PPC, video and content creation to name just a few of the skills which marketers are wishing to enhance, are all marketing techniques which can help to put a company ahead of competitors in a digital landscape. It’s fairly obvious that this can lead to new business opportunities and an increase in profitability longer-term.

However, this shouldn’t be a one off exercise. And investment into marketing development should be continual to ensure teams are able to stay ahead of the competition and the ever evolving marketing landscape.

But we’d love to hear what your thoughts are about the current marketing landscape, what would your solution be? Feel free to share your thoughts on our LinkedIn.

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Header: Image adapted from Photo by Alex Greenfrom Pexels