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What’s Your Hiring Strategy For 2016?

Posted about 9 years ago by Paula De La Hey
31726329 M

With talent availability at it’s lowest in well over a decade and with demand for talent increasing, one of the primary challenges facing companies around the world will be attracting and retaining the best people.

Many of our clients use December and January as an opportunity to consider the skills and the competences of their teams, their skills development requirements and additional skills that they will need to augment their teams with. The core consideration being what are they projecting for their business in 2016 and what skills will they need to hire for to achieve their goals?

Obviously it’s almost impossible to account for every hire or leaver in your business and some of your vacancies will be immediate and unplanned. However, the more planning you can do, the better positioned you will be to find the best people.

That’s where we come in; we partner with our clients to truly understand their business and to build a picture of talent requirements, both current and future, whether they’re planned, proactive or reactive hires. By working with us in this way, the better placed you will be to access the best talent in industry in order to achieve your ambitions.

Get in touch with one of our consultants today to discuss how we can add value to your talent acquisition requirements.