What Not to Do in Your Final interview
Posted almost 7 years ago by Rob Markwell
You’ve reached the final stage of the interview process, great work, however, this can be the moment it all goes wrong should you feel too complacent and not prepare properly. In the final stage, you’re most likely going to be meeting the most senior member of the team you would be working with or the hiring manager. These guys are considered your ‘gate keeper’ they stand between you and that job you want so much so you need to continue to impress.
Here’s a couple of things not to do within your final stage interview which may be the difference between you getting that dream job:
1. Dressing like you are already part of the company
Some companies have a relaxed culture in regards to dress code. If you’ve noticed from your first interview that this is the case at the place you’re interviewing great but do not take this as an invitation to follow suit. You should always dress appropriately for an interview, check our previous blog on how to prepare for what we would suggest, if your interviewer is dressed smarter than you.. you’ve messed up.
2. Being besties with the Hiring Manager
At final stage you are likely meeting the hiring manager, you may have already met them and this is a more informal check to see how you would fit into the company. Even if you have met in the previous interview and built a great rapport this doesn’t make you best friends or the interview more informal. Always remember to follow interview protocol, do not start gossiping and being negative about former employers, stick to handshakes no hugging and keep it positive.
3. Assuming you have the role
I always advise candidates to go into an interview feeling positive and confident. However, too much confidence can so easily come across as arrogant, its great to be positive but if you are already behaving like the role is yours, this can put off many potential employers. Watch your body language, even if the final stage is more of an informal chat, it is still an interview, don’t slouch or appear disengaged.
I recently was contacted by a hiring manager who told me of a candidate who stated ‘the role is beneath me but I’ll see how it goes.’ It is safe to say he didn’t get the role even though he was the more experienced candidate.
4. Don't stop selling yourself
You have done awesome getting this far but you are still selling yourself. It is likely there is someone else at this final stage you are now directly competing with you which makes it an even bigger challenge. You don’t know this other candidate and or their experience levels but you do know your own strengths. Keep focused, be prepared to tell the company what you can offer and make sure to ask questions, these are ones we would suggest.
My best advice is to stay focused and have your eyes on the prize! Think of it as a 100m hurdle sprint, you wouldn’t slow down or not jump over that last hurdle even though you are winning. You’d sprint harder and jump higher to guarantee you won.
Always do your research, remember your previous interview feedback, dress smart and do your best that is all you can do!