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Why we're embracing flexibility post-Covid

Posted over 3 years ago by Rob Markwell

We’re embracing flexibility and remote working, not because the thought of a commute and sharing spaces makes us shudder, but because we are committed to providing the best working environment for our team.

Even we admit there was a time when we were quite rigid in our structure, and though at the start of last year we planned to introduce the option of flexible working to our employees, we never anticipated it to be quite as agile as it is today.

All of our team from junior to director level, will have the option to work remotely twice a week, with complete flexibility around start and finish times, which will continue into the post Covid era.

Of course this enables our team to balance their work and home life more effectively, which means they can be on the school run, ease the strain of a long commute and prioritise their wellbeing, for us this is an added benefit.

The past years experiment of remote working has shown us that by allowing freedom amongst our team we are able to be more agile and adaptable as a business.

Our service levels have never been stronger. Allowing our consultants to step away from their desks has meant they have a little more time in their day to develop closer and more personal relationships with clients and candidates, which from time to time is supported by the help of some fury friends.

We have given ourselves the headspace to think, allowing us to innovate. In the past year alone we have developed new service offerings, engaged with new industries, become more creative and strategic in the way we communicate. We have evolved at a faster pace than ever, so why would we want to lose that momentum?

We have become more collaborative. An odd one given that we see each other less, but taking ourselves outside of the office with that added benefit of innovation has meant that barriers which previously would have existed between teams have been eroded and collaborative idea sharing has never been higher.

Of course, we need our office space for joint meetings, project management and to get away from our home desks to connect with one and other, and that is why we will never say sayonara to our office space. Have you seen it? Why would we?.

But we will be saying ta-rah to a 5 day week in the office, we would be daft not to.

Interested in joining a company who are collaborative, flexible and adaptable? We’re always on the look out for new talent that can add value to our sectors and team.

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Header: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels