Does employer branding really matter?
Posted about 2 years ago by Lara Lee
Our answer: Yes.
Of course we would say that. But allow us to explain …
Having and promoting a strong employer brand is so important when it comes to attracting great talent.
Being clear about what you value as a business, can help to attract talent who are invested in your brand and mission as a company. It’s the difference between attracting applicants who are simply looking for their next career move versus those who can associate and see themselves within your company.
And because you’re being totally transparent about who you are and what you can offer, whether that’s flexible working, a strong corporate mission to do better or simply great training, you create engagement.
You will be able to attract talent who are genuinely invested in your company.
Now we don’t know about you. But the interview process is so much more fun when you’re speaking with people who are passionate about what you do and who you do it for. And nine times out of ten, this leads to hiring employees who’re great to work with and are even better at doing their jobs.
Okay so it can help me get engaged and committed candidates. What else?
Promoting your employer brand can also help you to stand out against the competition.
Because nothing is worse than a great candidate deciding to join your competitor.
Promoting all of the great things that make you unique in the market can help you to cut through the noise. Helping you to stand out against another job ad or be recognised against some of the bigger players in the market.
In short, having a strong employer brand really does matter when it comes to attracting great talent. And it’s something which we take pride in offering clients who chose to work on a retained basis with us when hiring.
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Header: Image adapted from Photo by Jane Doan: