Positive notes on a blue Monday
Posted about 2 years ago by Julia Williams
Known as the most depressing day of the year, Blue Monday has once again come around.
It’s easy when job searching to get lost in the negatives. ‘Will I ever get an interview?’ ‘What about that recession?’. So, today we thought we’d take a step back and look at some of the positives in marketing, digital, creative and sales recruitment at the moment.
Positive 1 - Jobs are still out there!
We won’t lie and say that job vacancies are booming, but they certainly haven’t fallen off a cliff either (despite the talk of a recession).
Companies who are looking to hire at the moment are doing so because there is a genuine business need to expand and grow their teams.
At the moment, account management and PR roles are the talk of the town. But there’s still high demand for more technical skillsets such as SEO and PPC.
Positive 2 - Work/life balance
What’s amazing about todays working landscape is the availability and choice of flexible, hybrid and remote working which wasn’t commonplace pre-2020.
Whilst some companies are evaluating their working from home practices, what works for some may not work for others, many others are staying committed to offering a hybrid and flexible working environment in 2023.
And so the choice of where and how you work really is yours!
Are those 2 days a week in office important to you? Great! There’s hybrid roles for that.
Could you benefit from greater separation from home? Awesome! Let’s talk about on-site jobs.
Positive 3 - The value of teams
Our 2023 salary survey went down a treat with hiring companies!
Because we re-invented it to talk about how they can truly commit to their employees, to ensure they attract, reward and retain the very best talent.
Put simply, employers are increasingly recognising that a happy workforce = a committed workforce. They’re invested in their teams, recognising the value they add to culture alongside profit.
Image credit:
Header: Image adapted from Photo by Mica Asato: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-huddling-up-1198171/