Marketing Meetup Birmingham: Remembering Names - The greatest compliment of them all
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
18:30 to 20:30
The friendliest marketing event with the best talks in Birmingham. This is a place to learn about marketing topics in more depth and if you want to meet other marketing professionals, then this is the place to come!
Jordan Harry, StudyFast - Remembering names
Ever been in that situation where you've been at an event or meeting and got someone's name on the tip of your tongue, but can't quite get there? How about the time you just flat out forgot?
It happens to all of us. But, Jordan Harry (TEDx speaker with 1,000,000+ views) is here to help. In something slightly tangential to marketing but still very relevant indeed, Jordan will take you through:
- The Geeky Stuff of memory - Short and long term memory training - Memory Techniques - And it's application
Nathan Anibaba - Agency Deal Masters - What we've learned from interviewing 40 sales and marketing thought leaders in 2019.
As well as running his own publication, events and podcast, Nathan is an incredibly experienced agency sales guy. He's going to be giving you sales & marketing insight that can help you get bigger deals and convert more pitches.